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Baby Shower Fabric Lei

Baby Shower Fabric Lei

Product code: 339

Availability: In stock

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Baby Shower Fabric Lei is just the decoration for Mum to wear to make her feel special at her Baby Shower Party.... (Read more below)
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Baby Shower Fabric Lei is just the decoration for Mum to wear to make her feel special at her Baby Shower Party. A Lei is a garland of flowers.

This lovely Hawaiian style Lei is made from fabric flowers in pretty shades of lilac & pastel green with a few sparkly bits to give it those finishing touches.

One of our customers played a game using the Lei. They stood in a circle passing the Lei around and when the music stopped, the guest holding the Lei sat down. Last guest standing was the winner. We thought this sounded like great fun and an ideal game if you have children present at the baby shower.

So not only a lovely decoration, but a prop for a fun game too!!