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Baby Shower Stories

Surprise, Surprise!!

Thank you so much. The baby shower wouldn't have been complete without all the items I bought from you. We all had so much fun playing the games: Pin the Dummy, the nappy game and the pinata, and all the guests loved the party favours.My sister said it was "one of the happiest, most special days of my life" xXx

I've attached some photos which captured the day really well..... Shivani




Thank you!!

How are you? I hope you remember me. I once ordered stuff from you for my friend's baby shower. I forgot to send you a message to say that it was a great success and my friend was so happily surprised and our guests loved the details of our pink baby shower. Everyone came in "pretty in pink" - I served pink cocktails as welcome drinks (non-alcoholic).... we had the pink pacifier from you. I requested guests to bring baby photos which we posted on our wall and we had the who's who game ...

Anyway, I am writing you because I am hosting yet another one for a dear friend who is going to have a boy. I want something different this time because we will have almost the same guests/friends. Can you come up with proposed ideas? Thanks a lot for your help! Ces





Jackie's Party

Hi stephanie I had a baby shower for my daughter in April and I emailed you then thanking you for all your help with the baby shower pack. We knew then it was a girl so we themed this around the little angel pack. We ordered nappy games, balloons, banners, you name it we got it and as your range was so vast and reasonable & a few friends ordered too. The bookmarks went down a treat and everyone appreciated them. Well my daughter was over the moon as this was a surprise party and like all mums was feeling tired and irritable as it was the last month of her pregnancy. Well she had her little princess on 30th May at 11 mins past ten weight 8lb and named her KAYLA LOUISE. Her brother JOSH who is 3 1/2 is over the moon and can't stop cuddling her although he has his little jealous moments. I have enclosed some photos and once again THANK YOU for such lovely merchandise I will be recommending you to anyone and everyone.



Thara-Lee looks So Excited at her Little Bo-Peep Shower!!

I wanted to let you know that the babyshower was a huge success. Everyone was blown away at how stunning the decorations were and we had so much fun playing the games. My sister-in-law was so excited and loved the afternoon. I have attached a picture of her - I dressed her up as little Bo Peep.

Thank you so much for your efficient and friendly service. You were amazing and thanks to your beautiful products we had a magical afternoon. I will definitely be recommending your business to everyone I know.

I have attached some pictures for your website.

Thanks again. Lee-Anne X



Ellen’s Surprise Baby Shower

I organised a surprise baby shower for my brother and sister in law. They are expecting their first baby in June 2007. My brother was aware of the party but sister in law had no idea. It was a fun day with family and friends held at the soon to be grandparents house. We played piñata, Pin the dummy game, predicted the sex, weight and date and opened lots of pressies!!!!! I also brought a nappy cake which was loved by all and Ellen will find very useful!

Thank you for helping me to make my sister in law’s baby shower so special, and even though it was the first baby shower in the family it certainly won't be the last, and I will definitely be placing another order!!!!!!!




Kat Celebrates in Style!

'Thank you' 'Thank you' What a successful party!! The games were fun, the decorations were fantastic and the little prizes were lovely... The party was a success.. all because of your help with great ideas for prizes, games, and friendly customer care. Here are some pictures of my friend Katherine who was 36 weeks pregnant and celebrating in style....





Anisia’s Sylish Baby Clothes Line Themed Baby Shower

I hope you can get an idea of what it looked like. You can only really see it nicely on the video camera.
Anyway, thanks again for your excellent and friendly service.


Kiran's Surprise Baby Shower

I thought you might want to see the photos from Kiran’s baby shower. Everyone had a great time and loved everything provided by your company. Once again, thank you so much xXx

Paula's Virgin-Vie Baby Shower Party

The Shower was excellent and your Party Pack with the advice booklet made it the success it was. Following the advice in the booklet and planner made the party preparation so much easier and the whole thing went so smoothly.

I focused mine around a Virgin-Vie party. The Virgin-Vie lady is brilliant and I have known her for a while through various parties and she pampered my guest of honour from head to toe with a facial, hand massage and a foot/leg massage & treatment, which she is still talking about as she has been struggling and they felt wonderful afterwards. I gave her the commission from orders to treat herself with things to pamper. We played the games whilst pampering was in progress and finished the party with the bingo game (huge success and fun) and then cake and a toast to mum-to-be. The decorations were brilliant and set the theme and atmosphere brilliantly.

Everyone loved it and are still talking about it 1 week on and I feel for some time to come. I keep being told it is just an American thing and didn't know it could be done so feel I have started a new trend! Thank you again, so glad I found your website, just a shame it's all over!

Hannah's Baby Shower on a Boat

Baby Food Game

Friends Board

Hannah with Baby Photos Game

Hannah with Predictions Chart

Opening Presents

The Girls

The sun was shining, the wine was flowing and 17 of my girl friends were boarding the H20 Floating Restaurant on the River Thames in Richmond which was decked out in banners, balloons and table confetti and my long awaited baby shower had begun!

I had decided back in April to host my own baby shower rather than leaving the responsibility to one of my loved ones, as I knew exactly what I wanted and how I wanted it to be done (yes I really am that organised and bossy – I think the pregnancy has made me even worse, apologies to my husband!!)

I discovered the amazing website ‘Shower my baby’ while carrying out my extensive research into what baby showers were all about and the reasons behind them, and I just knew instantly that Stephanie was the right person to help me with my plans after falling in love with the ‘Modern Day Mum’ range – Thank you Stephanie for all your help, advice and update e-mails!
We had the boat for the whole Sunday afternoon, but the time just flew by as we ate (too much), drank (some of them way too much!) and played the numerous games I chose from the website, ‘Attributes’, ‘Nursery Rhymes’, ‘Baby Food’ (sorry to the girls for making you eat the baby mush and guess the ingredients – URRGGHHH), but my favourite game by far was ‘Guess the baby photo’. Trying to prize baby pictures out of some of my friends was harder than it sounds, but in the end everyone agreed it was a brilliant game and caused the most laughter! Well done to Becky and Hannah F who won first prize in the quiz!!

I was totally spoilt by my wonderful girl friends who ‘showered’ me in gifts, wrote the loveliest messages in my keepsake book and gave me fabulous memories which I will cherish forever! So I guess all that is left for me to do now (once I’ve finished writing my ‘Thank You’ cards) is to have our baby ‘Pip’, which I’m sure is going to be a whole new adventure in itself……!

Husband Organisies a Surprise Baby Shower for his Wife!

It was great finding a UK based online company such as Shower My Baby with such an extensive range of products. It is very hard for me to organise a surprise party for my wife as this is the only secret I am keeping from her and as I have found from our year and a half of marriage, wives find out everything!!

As you can imagine, we are both a little stressed at the moment as we are mid-moving house and Catherine is over 30 weeks pregnant with our first and theoretically she could pop at any time! I know she really wants a Baby Shower but because of all the issues at the moment she does not think she is getting one - I hope the surprise doesn't bring on any contractions!

You made my life a lot easier with simple selection and ordering of products and quick delivery. I would recommend it to any husbands looking on this site as if your wife/girlfriend is pregnant - you should be doing something to help her for a change!! Mark Bartram

Candy's Baby Shower in South Africa

Mum to be and all her friends

Kirsty & Mum to be Sarah

Sarah's Baby Shower Cake

Mum to be Sarah with her Shower My Baby guest record

Well we had the shower for my sister in law on Saturday and it went off fantastic!!! I am sending you some pics of the decor and you can see how lovely the place looked. Thank you so much for sending to South Africa you just dont find such pretty decor for a stork party over here!!! Your service was out of this world. I am including a photo of Candy dressed up as a tired mom! and her husband PJ who all the husbands took him out for lunch and then brought him back to us and we dressed him up and played 2 games with him and let him open a couple of presents. He was a very good sport!!! We let all the men bring a bottled food or porridge as entrance fee, it worked well.


Mum to be and all her friends

Mum to be Sarah with all her friends

Kirsty & Mum to be Sarah

Sarah with organiser Kirsty

Sarah's Baby Shower Cake

Sarah's yummy looking Baby Shower Cake

Mum to be Sarah with her Shower My Baby guest record

Sarah with her Shower My Baby guest record

Thank you for all of your help and kind advice in helping to organise my sister-in-laws baby shower. Once she had approached me to ask me to organise it I was delighted but didn't have a clue where to start until I came across your website, it was very informative with lots of different ideas. The day went brilliantly, everyone enjoyed themselves and the party games were great, everyone joined in and had a great time. Sarah felt very special that day especially with all the balloons, banners and confetti everywhere. The guests also felt special with their party boxes we made up which included the pretty favours you made up for us.
Thanks Stephanie we couldn't have done it without you. We will let you know what Sarah has, I'm sure it's going to be with us very soon.


Lisa gets a helping hand opening her gifts

Lisa's Mum guessing the flavour of the baby food

Playing the game Draw Mummy

Lisa has a helping hand opening her gifts

Lisa's Mum guessing the flavour of the cold baby food - Yuk!

Guest playing Draw Mummy

I really had no idea that my friends & family had organised a baby shower for me. My husband said we were going to see his sister & her children. I hadn't even changed my clothes nor done my hair!! But it was so much fun & I am so pleased that they organised it for me. I felt so special. The games provided really added to the whole evening. After tasting cold baby food I decided I would most certainly cook all my own food for my new baby!!! I received lovely gifts & can't wait to go to the next baby shower - a great idea.


I have just hosted my first Baby Shower and wanted to say a really big thank you to you. Without your excellent pack, I wouldn't have known where to start. Everyone had a really great time and it was loads of fun. Everywhere looked great with the balloons, banner, confetti and of course your favours were absolutely gorgeous. So again a big thank you from me, our mum to be and our guests. A. Smith


My mother-in-law organised a baby shower for me and invited everyone who had joined me for my hen party in Majorca last year. We had a fantastic time there and my baby shower was just as much fun. It was so lovely to see everyone - to catch up, remember our weekend in Majorca and to talk about my pregnancy and new baby. We laughed so much that I actually fell off my chair, but fortunately one of my friends is a midwife so she checked me over. Once I was given the all clear we carried on with the fun party games. My friends just wanted to play more and more games - probably as the game prizes were bottles of champagne!! It was great as the party pack provided the great games plus there were lots more fun ideas in the booklet. We did try to play all the games, but nobody predicted that I would have a 10lb 3oz baby boy (Samuel Christopher). I can't wait to go to the next baby shower to play the fun games that we did not manage to play!


Debbie and her friends

the boys were invited too!

my what a big bump you have!

boy bump v girl bump?

so whose bump is the biggest?

finally bump becomes baby Harry

Debbies baby shower was a complete success. I was a little apprehensive about the men being present, but they were actually more competitive than the women when it came to the baby shower games, especially Guess the Baby & Weight? When Debbie delivered, one of the 1st questions she asked was who had guessed the correct weight, sex and date? On the night of the baby shower party, everyone had contributed £1.00 to play the game and the closest would win all the money, which was in the region of £15.00. The baby shower went on until 4am, the whole evening was wonderful and everyone had a fantastic time. The pack helped us to do this as nobody had been to a baby shower before, but what a laugh! The pack was so much help and I will definitely recommend it to others.

PS. Debbie delivered a healthy baby boy named Harry weighing 7lbs and was only 3 days overdue!

What do our Customers Say?

Tell us your Baby Shower story! We will show your stories & photos on this page. Email to:

Baby Piper Waits Patiently for Baby Shower to End!!

Hi I am about to purchase my second "SHOWER MY BABY PACK" for my 2nd baby due in October. Thought I would tell you about my first baby shower which took place 12th august 2005 I searched the net for baby shower ideas and came across this site which had everything that a perfectionist needed, when I sent out the invites everyone was impressed that they kept asking if they could bring there mum ,sister, friends etc so instead of 8 people I ended up with 20!!  So had to make a rush order to your website who very quickly sent my order to me. At the shower everyone was greeted by the door sign and balloons, a virgin cocktail with baby straws and their dummy necklace. Everyone had a fab time playing baby bingo, pin the dummy on the baby and draw the bump was very comical the last game was the prediction game.  My due date was 10 sep 2005 and I didn’t know the sex.We all had such a lovely time that shower ended around ,midnight!!. I was asleep for a matter of hours then at around 3am my waters broke and I had a dash to hospital where I gave birth to a beautiful 6lb baby girl who I called Piper Grace. No one predicted that for the birth date, so my daughter decided to be impatient once she saw all the wonderful gifts she had received at her baby shower and wanted to be part of it!. This time around am unsure whether to have the party early or late (just in case) but it was definitely a shower to remember.  Can’t wait for this one (just hope baby can) Charlotte, Piper and Bump x